How it Works


How it Works - Video Lessons Package

Step 1:

Go to the Get Started page and fill out the form to sign up.

Step 2:

After signing up, you will receive an email containing a link to the Fewer Bogeys Questionnaire and a document explaining how to film your swing.

Complete the Fewer Bogeys Questionnaire and send videos of you swinging a Driver, 7 iron, and PW. It is recommended that you use both a face-on angle as well as down-the-line. You should submit 3 swings with each club from both angles.

Step 3:

You will receive a confirmation email to let you know your questionnaire and swing videos are under review. Shortly after, you will be given a list of available dates and times for the first video lesson.

In this lesson, we will discuss your responses on the questionnaire, and address the parts of the golf swing that need to be tweaked. You will also be provided a few drills to practice based on the things discussed.

Step 4:

You will receive an email recapping the main points of the video lesson, as well as your customized training package and evaluation tools. It is recommended that you read through this package prior to the next video lesson.

You will also be given another set of dates and times to set up the next video lesson.

Step 5:

In the second video lesson, we will quickly recap what we discussed in the last lesson, and then start to fine tune parts of the swing. We will then begin going through the training package. This will include a description of the different drills, warm-up routines, workouts, and evaluation tools that you received.

We will also discuss other areas of the swing or parts of the game that you wish to improve.

Step 6:

You will receive a recap of the last lesson, as well as a new set of dates and times to set up the next video lesson.

In this lesson, we will go over what was previously discussed, plus smaller adjustments that need to be made. At this point, we will move into the mental side of the game. Here you will learn new techniques and strategies to improve your decision making and course management, as well as ways to prepare your body for shots to ensure you are getting the most out of your game.


*Video lessons can be done via Skype, Facetime, Zoom, or Google Hangouts

See below for What You Need

What You Need



You will need something to take videos of your swing - your cell phone is probably the easiest way to do this. You will also need a way to communicate via video call (Facetime, Skype, Zoom, etc…). Most people prefer to do these chats in an area they can swing a golf club, whether that is a garage, backyard, or room with enough clearance.

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Room to Swing a Golf Club

You will need an area to take full swings with any of your clubs. If you don’t have an area large enough in or around your home, you can film your initial swing videos in a park or other public space with enough room (no need to hit a golf ball in these videos).


Desire to Improve

You need to be committed to improving your golf game! It can take time for your body to feel comfortable with changes to the swing, but with good discipline it can happen sooner than you think.